Joe S. Thomas – Socialfit77

A page for writing short stories, essays, poetry and lyrics.

Finishing “Molly” By Joe S. Thomas


I finished the book Molly today…  You could tell as it neared the end Blake wanted to keep on writing about his experiences with her and I honestly can’t blame him…  There really is something about poking those fresh wounds, maybe even more so when you know you absolutely have to let them come to an end and move onward to the next thing, break down or give up…  I’m truly glad I read the book and I do feel a “Molly-sized” hole in my life wishing that I could have somehow come to know her in a real life capacity…  I typed her name into my podcast app and only one thing pulled up…  The show was called Funhouse/Fresh Cuts, Episode 4: Molly Brodak…  It was published May 20, 2017 and it’s a 12 minute long clip of Molly telling her story which forms the basis of her book Bandit; a Daughter’s Memoir…  I wish it could have been longer, but perhaps it was just long enough to make the longings I have to know her feel the way they should…  There’s a hollow space and a sadness that I sometimes get after I read a book about someone’s tragedy…  It’s here with me now and I’m thankful for it…  I’m thankful Blake shared his story and I’m thankful Molly was on this earth and was able to share what she was (good and bad) and what she accomplished while she was here…  Even through all of her inner turmoil and pain of which I haven’t a clue…  I simply hate that she hurt so deeply, but then, I understand and appreciate that too…

RIP Molly Brodak

Thanks for sharing Blake Butler…

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